Arezou Abbassi
Specialist, Human Resources & General Counsel
Email: aabbassi@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 x230
Specialist, Human Resources & General Counsel
Email: aabbassi@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 x230
Assistant, Maintenance
Email: ctrinidad@cfccreates.com
Director, Development
Manager, Events
Email: ccrothers@cfccreates.com
Post-Production & Technical Manager
Email: cjacobsen@cfccreates.com
Manager, Marketing
Email: doriade@cfccreates.com
Phone: 7059846636
Executive Lead, People & Culture
Email: dfallows@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 x202
Accounting Specialist
Email: ewang@cfccreates.com
Senior Manager, Alumni Advancement
Email: escheer@cfccreates.com
Assistant, Production
Email: ethorne@cfccreates.com
Manager of Executive Office, Board Relations & Special Projects
Email: gashton@cfccreates.com
Email: hheidrich@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 ext. 200
Director, Finance
Email: hmoochoy@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 x206
Coordinator, Production
Email: hszeto@cfccreates.com
Coordinator, Programs
Email: ishi@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 x 243
General Counsel
Email: jangel@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 x458
Senior Manager, Information Technology
Email: jfernandes@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 x260
Assistant, Programs
Email: jwooder@cfccreates.com
Executive Lead, Programs – Talent Development & Content Creation
Email: kemslie@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 x215
Supervising Producer
Email: lmarshall@cfccreates.com
Coordinator, Technical & Post-Production
Email: lwang@cfccreates.com
Executive Director
Email: executivedirector@cfccreates.com
Accounting Specialist
Email: rlai@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 x226
Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications
Email: rsapra@cfccreates.com
Senior Development Officer, Government Relations Corporate Communications
Email: rsherman@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 x288
Director, Programs and Facilities.
Email: sbrooks@cfccreates.com
Senior Development Officer, Philanthropy
Email: sstone@cfccreates.com
Phone: 416.445.1446 x283
Coordinator, Events & Rentals
Email: vfan@cfccreates.com
Coordinator, Facilities
Email: wstewart@cfccreates.com
Phone: ext. 281
Coordinator, Communications & Social Media
Email: zasad@cfccreates.com