Join our philanthropic community

The CFC Circle of Supporters is a dynamic group of individuals who value Canadian storytelling and want to help more talented creators share their stories on screens around the world. With their ongoing, generous donations, we continue to advance opportunities for future generations of Canadian creative talent and entrepreneurs.

View our Circle of Supporters

Circle of Supporters Benefits[42]

Meet our circle

We are grateful to all the donors who contribute to our continued success and make our work possible.

Windfields Circle

($10,000 +)

Cretney Williams Investments Inc.

Diane Blake and Stephen Smith**

Kate Alexander Daniels and David Daniels

Robin and Robert Ogilvie*


Platinum Circle

($5,000 – $9,999)

Neishaw Ali

E.J. Alon

maxine bailey

Steven and Alison DeNure

Blake and Belinda Goldring**

Hilary Smith

Gold Circle

($2,500 - $4,999)

Dark Slope Studios

Kathryn Emslie*

Fiera Capital*

Harold Gronenthal

Cheryl Hudson and Michael Say*

Munroe Family*

Dr. Betty Rozendaal and Sonny Goldstein**

Brian Stockton

David Zitzerman

Silver Circle

($1,000 - $2,499)

Stéphane Cardin

Cameron Pictures Inc.*

Angela Charlesworth

Suzette Couture*

Kevin Fisher, Gardiner Roberts LLP*

Robert and Julia Foster*

Christina Jennings**

Neale Joudrie & Curtis Kjinserdahl

David Kines and Teresa Walsh*

Anne Loi

Kimberly Manky and Rhys Lloyd

Nancy and John McFadyen***

Abby and Perry Minuk***

Franca Miraglia

John Morayniss

The Norman and Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation***

Cecil and Robert Rabinovitch*

Jeff and Meryl Rosenthal**

MaryAnne Runnalls***

Andra Takacs***

Vanderwerff Talent

Richard Wernham and Julia West**

Bronze Circle

($500 – $999)

William Clarke**

Dr. and Mrs. Paul and Joyce Chapnick***

Heather Conway

Carey Diamond & Tina Urman Family Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto

Richard and Pamela Earle

Deborah Fallows*

Forbes Anderson LLP**

Hue and Jonathon Foo*

Doreen Gryfe***

Jacqueline Mackey*

Tara Parker

John Riley

Harvey Rogers***

Marvin and Joan Waxman***

* over 5 years of support
** over 10 years of support
*** over 20 years of support


Updated Oct. 1, 2024

List current as of February 5, 2024 If you have any questions about this listing, or if your recognition wishes have changed, please contact

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