SHORT FILM CALLING CARD Paco, a Filipino immigrant tries to make ends meet for his family back home. He works hard to get a deposit ready for school when suddenly, his wife asks for more money for their child's birthday. After he earns enough money, on a smoke break with Jaime, Paco shares that he’s returning to school, and they go out for drinks to celebrate. They get drunk, and Jaime goads Paco into buying them expensive drinks out of jealousy. Paco wakes up hungover, and breaks down when he discovers his bicycle was stolen. Jaime, who now feels guilty, tries to redeem himself. Paco checks his funds and finally makes a payment. He virtually attends his kid’s birthday and is happy to be a part of the festivities. However, when the call disconnects, he is back alone in his room. The next day, Paco goes back to work and disappears into the crowd.